Hey DIY Queens (and Kings, if you’re lurking),
Gather 'round for a tale of courage, determination, and a whole lot of mouse traps. Yes, I’m talking about the epic saga of how I, your friendly neighborhood DIY boss, took on an army of mice in my house—and won. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t pretty, but it sure was effective. Dealing with a mouse issue can be so embarrassing. No one talks about how they’re struggling with it, but let’s be real, it happens. I keep a clean house, so you can understand why was f**king mortified. I even got an exterminator, but it didn’t help. So now, I want to share info to help others who might be going through the same thing. Let’s dive in!
The Unwelcome Guests
It all started when my 17-year-old set up a house camera to catch his younger siblings sneaking into his room. Instead, he caught something else entirely—mice scurrying around my house. I couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t Mickey’s Playhouse; it was more like Minnie’s party central.
For the Full Drama:
Check out my Instagram highlights for the "Tisha vs. Minnie Mouse" series. It's hilarious now, but trust me, it was a different story back then!
Step 1: Identifying the Culprits
Before you can kick those furry freeloaders out, you’ve got to confirm they’re actually there. Here’s what to look for:
Droppings: Little black pellets. (Sorry, but it’s true.)
Gnaw Marks: They’ll chew on anything, including wires and insulation.
Nests: Made from shredded paper, fabric, or insulation.
Step 2: Seal the Entry Points
Once you’re sure it’s mice, you need to find out how they’re getting in. Mice can squeeze through openings as small as a dime. A DIME. Here’s how to close the door on their sneaky ways:
Inspect Your Home: Look for cracks, holes, and gaps around the foundation, walls, and roof.
Seal Gaps: Use steel wool and caulk for small holes; for larger gaps, try hardware cloth or steel mesh.
Check Doors and Windows: Ensure weather stripping is intact and repair any gaps.
Note: Did you know that lots of contractors don't put baseboards behind appliances like your stove, dishwasher, and fridge? Drywall doesn't go to the floor, and baseboards are supposed to be installed to close up that gap to prevent pests from getting in. So, look behind all appliances and under your sinks to ensure all holes around plumbing are closed. Use compound and caulking to close areas that can't be done with actual wood. If using spray foam, ensure to add steel wool in it, or they will just chew through.
Step 3: Eviction Time!
Now comes the fun part—getting them out.
Traps: I recommend snap traps. They’re quick and effective. Place them along walls where you’ve seen droppings or gnaw marks. The basic snap traps work best. Use gloves, as they can be deterred if they "smell human" on the trap.
Bait: Peanut butter works wonders, but nothing works better than good ol' Slim Jims. It’s like the Michelin-starred meal of mouse cuisine.
Set Multiple Traps: Mice are crafty, so don’t rely on just one trap. Set several in strategic locations.
Step 4: Clean Up and Prevent Future Invaders
After you’ve dealt with the mice, it’s time to clean up and make sure they don’t come back.
Dispose of Mice: Wear gloves and use a plastic bag to dispose of the mice and traps.
Disinfect: Clean areas where you found droppings or nests with a disinfectant.
Declutter: Mice love clutter, so keep storage areas tidy and organized.
Detect: Keep a few traps in inconspicuous areas to monitor the progress. Check them regularly (weekly) to see if you've caught anything. This step is especially important in the fall when the weather gets colder and they look for places to stay warm and find food.
The Sequel—They're Back!
Six months after my initial battle, they were back. That’s when I realized that traps alone weren’t enough. Hiring an exterminator is great, but often unnecessary. It’s just a band-aid solution. Seeing mice is a symptom. Closing areas they can get in is the key, and often, when you close the more common areas for them to enter, the little sh*ts find some other way to get in. So, just when I thought I was in the clear, my weekly monitoring detected that they were back!! I was ready to throw the whole house away—seriously.
After setting up more cameras, I discovered they found a new way to get in through my HVAC system. Since my house is on a slab, I couldn't get in to close any entry points. This was a whole new level of frustration.
But then, I found a solution: mesh vent covers. I placed them over all my HVAC vents, and it has now been over a year with no issues. Finally, peace at last!
For a complete list of critical items I used, check out this link.
Victory Dance
And there you have it! With a little bit of effort and some strategic trapping, I managed to reclaim my home from the mouse invaders. Remember, persistence is key. Those little critters are determined, but so are we!
Got any of your own rodent tales or tips? Share them in the comments—I’d love to hear about your victories (and your battle scars).
Stay fearless and fabulous,
I found putting the mouse trap in place for 3 days, not set! made them think is was part of the landscape and they would run over the traps freely. Then on day four, they got seduced by the food and would run over the traps freely to get the food. It happened so fast, they didn’t know what hit them.